Obviously I haven't had a ton of time to update this thing, but I feel like I should note a few things going on!
Natalie is an absolute angel. She is becoming more and more beautiful every day! We have another weight check on Monday, but we aren't concerned. She's definitely gaining weight and eating like a champ. She is also sleeping longer stretches and is awake much more often. She is so alert, looking around, and learning about her world. She is the best thing I've ever done with my life.
We are exclusively pumping and bottle feeding breastmilk now. It's not what I wanted at all, but at least she's getting the good stuff. I've pretty much healed up from her bad latching early on, but it's honestly been a few days since I've attempted to breastfeed her. I guess I'm a little traumatized from earlier on.
We got our labor and delivery pictures back a few days ago... they're amazing! Our slideshow brought tears to our eyes. We also have about 14 previews from Natalie's newborn session. They're also amazing. It's crazy how much she's changed.
By day 5 I had lost all of the baby weight... all 19 pounds of it. Things still don't look like they did, of course, but I'm happy to see my feet again! I'm also happy to be back in my normal jeans!
It's also crazy how you adjust to not sleeping... I'm running on about 4-5 hours right now and I'm not completely sure how I'm functioning. I'm sure half of what I've been writing doesn't even make sense haha
Baby is getting fussy, so I'll leave this post with a few pictures of my gorgeous girl!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Friday, March 23, 2012
I spoke to soon... I had a baby!
Can I start by saying how amazing it is to finally have my own birth story?? I've waited for this for so long and we feel so blessed!
Ok, so Thursday the 15th was my last doctor appt. He couldn't even complete my internal because my cervix was so high and back. It was incredibly uncomfortable. We scheduled my next appt and he said we would discuss induction. Because anatomically I am so small down there, a big baby just wouldn't come out. That night I bounced on my ball FOREVER and ate spicy wings.
Friday night the 16th Jason and I were finally eating dinner around 8. I felt pretty decent all day... we spent a lot of time together, I cleaned the house, and we relaxed. After we finished I was cleaning up and feeling crampy. I had been having contractions forever so I didn't think too much of it. They started to pick up and at 9:30 I told Jason I needed to go to bed while he went to play video games. The cramping continued but I felt fine in between. Laying down was really bothering me. Shortly after I started timing things... I was surprised the contractions were coming 45- 55 seconds 5 minutes apart. It was quick.
At 11 I told Jason to come upstairs. He called our friend who is a L&D nurse and described what was going on. She said I was probably in early labor but I shouldn't go to the hospital. I could try to relax and make it stop or I could walk to get things progressing. While he was talking to her I jumped in the shower then the bath. Fortunately I shaved by legs haha I was still cramping and getting nervous.
I got out and we kept timing. Jason could feel how hard my stomach was. By 2:15 I was getting so anxious and started crying. At that point Jason put on jeans, grabbed my bags, and told me to go to the car. I only had one contraction on the 5 minute drive to the hospital. I really thought they would send me home. The nurses in triage checked me and I was 2-3 cm and 80% effaced. I also had my bloody show. They wanted me to walk for an hour to see if I would progress. An hour later I was 3-4 so they admitted me.
We got our room but I wanted to keep walking around the ward. It felt AWFUL being on my back because I was having back labor AND front labor. So Jason and I walked, he gave me water, and we just roamed until he needed to sit down and I needed to be checked. Each time I was checked I progressed. I signed the consent for the epidural, but said I didn't need it yet.
I labored in a bunch of positions... the rocking chair, the ball, the upright bed. Probably around 8 I was sick of the pain in my back. I talked to my nurse about IV pain medicine to tide me over till the epidural so she gave me fentanyl... I LOVED it. I was able to move around and it didn't stall my labor. I felt my contractions but they were manageable.
The on call doctor (who wasn't my OB) showed up when I was 8-9 cm (along with our photographer and family) and he broke my water. I was stuck at 9 cm for a while so the doctor wanted to start me on pitocin. The pitocin SUCKED. It made my contractions so strong and close and the back labor became MISERABLE. Before this my contractions were still 5-7 minutes apart. I don't know that I ever made it to a full 10. There was still a little lip of cervix left but the doctor told me to try and push through it. Jason and the labor nurse were AMAZING.. they cheered me on when I was ready to beg for a c section. I pushed for 2 1/2 hours. They could see her hair the whole time! But she just wasn't coming down any lower. I was falling asleep between pushes. The doctor came in and said I could either rest, keep pushing, or we could use the vacuum to get her out. I don't care what anyone says, pushing does NOT feel good. It hurt a lot! I started crying, but Jason and I chose to vacuum her out.
The doctor warned me he would have to cut me. I ended with a 4th degree epesiotomy.... that means cut fully from hole to hole. Jason watched the whole time to make sure I was ok. The lidocane they injected first SUCKED. Pushing into a giant needle... no thanks. It felt like thousands of bee stings. The vacuum created a lot of pressure and I was sobbing, but knew I had to push. About three pushes with the vacuum (and a lot of tugging), Natalie came out at 3:38 PM. We could see why she needed to be vacuumed-- she came down super crooked so the side of her head is what actually was being vacuumed.
She was absolutely perfect though. We did skin to skin for an hour, I got stitched up, and we were in total awe. She cried for 2 seconds but then was so calm and alert! It was a greater love than I can ever describe. She was 6 pounds 8 ounces and 18.5 inches long. They told me there was no way she would've come out on her own and if I had gotten the epi then it would've ended in a c section. Thank god it didn't come to that. My family came in afterwards and everything was perfect. She fed right away and we were moved to our postpartum room. The pediatrician came in and told us she had a 9/9 on her APGAR.
We had to stay an extra day in the hospital because her biliruben went up a little bit and she had a bad time latching... aka I had open sores all over my nipples. So we've been working with the lactation consultant all week on how to feed her. She's struggling, but I'm not giving up! We are also having issues getting her to sleep through the night. Jason has been such a trooper. God, I couldn't do this without him. We have a weight check tomorrow and then her newborn pictures. I'm recovering alright I guess. By the end of the day I'm incredibly sore and tired. It doesn't even matter though... I'm so, so, SO in love. We've had so much help from my mom and sister... so many people have brought us food which has been very helpful.
This week has been a blur of biliruben tests, doctors appointments, resting, and a million baby kisses! I've never been happier in my entire life.
Ok, so Thursday the 15th was my last doctor appt. He couldn't even complete my internal because my cervix was so high and back. It was incredibly uncomfortable. We scheduled my next appt and he said we would discuss induction. Because anatomically I am so small down there, a big baby just wouldn't come out. That night I bounced on my ball FOREVER and ate spicy wings.
Friday night the 16th Jason and I were finally eating dinner around 8. I felt pretty decent all day... we spent a lot of time together, I cleaned the house, and we relaxed. After we finished I was cleaning up and feeling crampy. I had been having contractions forever so I didn't think too much of it. They started to pick up and at 9:30 I told Jason I needed to go to bed while he went to play video games. The cramping continued but I felt fine in between. Laying down was really bothering me. Shortly after I started timing things... I was surprised the contractions were coming 45- 55 seconds 5 minutes apart. It was quick.
At 11 I told Jason to come upstairs. He called our friend who is a L&D nurse and described what was going on. She said I was probably in early labor but I shouldn't go to the hospital. I could try to relax and make it stop or I could walk to get things progressing. While he was talking to her I jumped in the shower then the bath. Fortunately I shaved by legs haha I was still cramping and getting nervous.
I got out and we kept timing. Jason could feel how hard my stomach was. By 2:15 I was getting so anxious and started crying. At that point Jason put on jeans, grabbed my bags, and told me to go to the car. I only had one contraction on the 5 minute drive to the hospital. I really thought they would send me home. The nurses in triage checked me and I was 2-3 cm and 80% effaced. I also had my bloody show. They wanted me to walk for an hour to see if I would progress. An hour later I was 3-4 so they admitted me.
We got our room but I wanted to keep walking around the ward. It felt AWFUL being on my back because I was having back labor AND front labor. So Jason and I walked, he gave me water, and we just roamed until he needed to sit down and I needed to be checked. Each time I was checked I progressed. I signed the consent for the epidural, but said I didn't need it yet.
I labored in a bunch of positions... the rocking chair, the ball, the upright bed. Probably around 8 I was sick of the pain in my back. I talked to my nurse about IV pain medicine to tide me over till the epidural so she gave me fentanyl... I LOVED it. I was able to move around and it didn't stall my labor. I felt my contractions but they were manageable.
The on call doctor (who wasn't my OB) showed up when I was 8-9 cm (along with our photographer and family) and he broke my water. I was stuck at 9 cm for a while so the doctor wanted to start me on pitocin. The pitocin SUCKED. It made my contractions so strong and close and the back labor became MISERABLE. Before this my contractions were still 5-7 minutes apart. I don't know that I ever made it to a full 10. There was still a little lip of cervix left but the doctor told me to try and push through it. Jason and the labor nurse were AMAZING.. they cheered me on when I was ready to beg for a c section. I pushed for 2 1/2 hours. They could see her hair the whole time! But she just wasn't coming down any lower. I was falling asleep between pushes. The doctor came in and said I could either rest, keep pushing, or we could use the vacuum to get her out. I don't care what anyone says, pushing does NOT feel good. It hurt a lot! I started crying, but Jason and I chose to vacuum her out.
The doctor warned me he would have to cut me. I ended with a 4th degree epesiotomy.... that means cut fully from hole to hole. Jason watched the whole time to make sure I was ok. The lidocane they injected first SUCKED. Pushing into a giant needle... no thanks. It felt like thousands of bee stings. The vacuum created a lot of pressure and I was sobbing, but knew I had to push. About three pushes with the vacuum (and a lot of tugging), Natalie came out at 3:38 PM. We could see why she needed to be vacuumed-- she came down super crooked so the side of her head is what actually was being vacuumed.
She was absolutely perfect though. We did skin to skin for an hour, I got stitched up, and we were in total awe. She cried for 2 seconds but then was so calm and alert! It was a greater love than I can ever describe. She was 6 pounds 8 ounces and 18.5 inches long. They told me there was no way she would've come out on her own and if I had gotten the epi then it would've ended in a c section. Thank god it didn't come to that. My family came in afterwards and everything was perfect. She fed right away and we were moved to our postpartum room. The pediatrician came in and told us she had a 9/9 on her APGAR.
We had to stay an extra day in the hospital because her biliruben went up a little bit and she had a bad time latching... aka I had open sores all over my nipples. So we've been working with the lactation consultant all week on how to feed her. She's struggling, but I'm not giving up! We are also having issues getting her to sleep through the night. Jason has been such a trooper. God, I couldn't do this without him. We have a weight check tomorrow and then her newborn pictures. I'm recovering alright I guess. By the end of the day I'm incredibly sore and tired. It doesn't even matter though... I'm so, so, SO in love. We've had so much help from my mom and sister... so many people have brought us food which has been very helpful.
This week has been a blur of biliruben tests, doctors appointments, resting, and a million baby kisses! I've never been happier in my entire life.
Friday, March 16, 2012
More disappointment
Well I had my 39 week check up yesterday. BLAAAAAHHH!!!!
Typical stuff.... appointment ran late, normal BP, gained 3 pounds... They asked if I wanted to be checked and I said yes yes yes.
He measured me and listened to the heartbeat. He said he was really happy how far she had dropped and then he did my internal. It was fairly uncomfortable at times which isn't a good sign. That meant my cervix was still high and back. *sigh*
Basically I've made no progress in the past month. He said that if I'm at a 2 next week we can discuss induction options. In the meantime, I'll be doing everything I can to make myself dilate. That means hours on the exercise ball, heavy cleaning and exercise, and spicy food. We'll see how that goes I guess.
Typical stuff.... appointment ran late, normal BP, gained 3 pounds... They asked if I wanted to be checked and I said yes yes yes.
He measured me and listened to the heartbeat. He said he was really happy how far she had dropped and then he did my internal. It was fairly uncomfortable at times which isn't a good sign. That meant my cervix was still high and back. *sigh*
Basically I've made no progress in the past month. He said that if I'm at a 2 next week we can discuss induction options. In the meantime, I'll be doing everything I can to make myself dilate. That means hours on the exercise ball, heavy cleaning and exercise, and spicy food. We'll see how that goes I guess.
Friday, March 9, 2012
38 Weeks and not so great...
I don't know what has happened over the last couple of days, but I have had the WORST hormonal surge. I cry MULTIPLE times a day and most of it is completely and totally irrational. A lot of times I can't even articulate why I'm so upset... and I know that scares Jason a lot when he can't fix my issue. The only silver lining is that I'm hoping this recent hormone rush may be the sign that labor is soon...
Regardless, I had my 38 week appointment today. Jason and I were hopeful they would check my cervix, but no luck today. I haven't gained any weight this week, so I am still between 16- 17 pounds gained. Blood pressure, heartbeat, and uterus size were all fine thankfully. I told my doctor that I had been having contractions on and off and frequent braxton hicks. He said he would check me for dilation and effacement.
BUT when I went to schedule my appointment, Dr. Beier was completely booked. My disappointment was extremely obvious. I'm seeing another associate there, but hoping and praying something opens up. Maybe I will get lucky and won't make it that far!
Meanwhile, please pray for me and my hormones... for Jason's sake!
Regardless, I had my 38 week appointment today. Jason and I were hopeful they would check my cervix, but no luck today. I haven't gained any weight this week, so I am still between 16- 17 pounds gained. Blood pressure, heartbeat, and uterus size were all fine thankfully. I told my doctor that I had been having contractions on and off and frequent braxton hicks. He said he would check me for dilation and effacement.
BUT when I went to schedule my appointment, Dr. Beier was completely booked. My disappointment was extremely obvious. I'm seeing another associate there, but hoping and praying something opens up. Maybe I will get lucky and won't make it that far!
Meanwhile, please pray for me and my hormones... for Jason's sake!
Monday, March 5, 2012
Sunday, March 4, 2012
37 Week Check Up Last Week
On Friday I had my 37 week check up! We are going every week now, which is so surreal. It feels like just the other day I was still at 5 week appointments.
Blood pressure was fine again... I've gained a total of 16-17 pounds, which is kind of amazing for me. I haven't exactly been saying no to food haha And I feel like I have completely ballooned out!
The appointment was very quick... Dr. Beier listened to the heartbeat, measured my uterus, and estimated that she will weigh about 6 pounds at birth. I think that's just a perfect size :-) I'm also negative for strep B, so no antibiotics at the hospital!
We had a baby wearing class yesterday thanks to a friend of ours... she came over and showed us all different kinds of carriers, which we really enjoyed! I'm actually ordering a moby wrap right now. Jason is so excited for this! (not sarcasm at all!). I was surprised how comfortable and convenient the carriers were... even with bigger babies. I mean, I was totally comfortable with my big basketball belly while wearing a 6 month old!
That's about it.... still waiting for the ceiling fan to be installed... and I'm really hoping the doctor checks me next week. I'm very very ready to be in labor!
Blood pressure was fine again... I've gained a total of 16-17 pounds, which is kind of amazing for me. I haven't exactly been saying no to food haha And I feel like I have completely ballooned out!
The appointment was very quick... Dr. Beier listened to the heartbeat, measured my uterus, and estimated that she will weigh about 6 pounds at birth. I think that's just a perfect size :-) I'm also negative for strep B, so no antibiotics at the hospital!
We had a baby wearing class yesterday thanks to a friend of ours... she came over and showed us all different kinds of carriers, which we really enjoyed! I'm actually ordering a moby wrap right now. Jason is so excited for this! (not sarcasm at all!). I was surprised how comfortable and convenient the carriers were... even with bigger babies. I mean, I was totally comfortable with my big basketball belly while wearing a 6 month old!
That's about it.... still waiting for the ceiling fan to be installed... and I'm really hoping the doctor checks me next week. I'm very very ready to be in labor!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
We're almost ready....
To Do:
Install fan
Install car seat
Go into labor!!!!!!!!!!!
We can't wait to meet you baby girl!!!!
Friday, February 17, 2012
Great appointment!
Just a quick check in... I had my 35 week check up today. I've still only gained 13.5 pounds, which they're not concerned with at all. My blood pressure is great also. The doctor did my GBS (group B Strep Test).... also, not a big deal at all. He asked if I wanted to do a cervical check and I said sureeee. He said her head has dropped and I'm about a centimeter dilated.
It's almost time :)
OH! And I had my work shower yesterday which was amazing! I can't believe how much time and effort some of these people put into making a day so special for me. We got some great stuff like our tub, gift cards, clothes, and a TON of books!!!!!
5 weeks to go!
It's almost time :)
OH! And I had my work shower yesterday which was amazing! I can't believe how much time and effort some of these people put into making a day so special for me. We got some great stuff like our tub, gift cards, clothes, and a TON of books!!!!!
5 weeks to go!
Monday, February 13, 2012
34 weeks 5 days
I can't believe the end is drawing near. Ok, my body definitely can feel that the time is getting closer. I'm sore all the time, tired a lot, have feet in my ribs, have a ravenous appetite.... all in all, I really don't feel like I can complain. I feel like I've been able to give Natalie a good home to grow in... but we can't wait till she's here to cuddle with!
This Thursday my lovely coworkers are hosting our second baby shower and we are just thrilled to pieces about it. I've been very lucky to work in such a generous school system. Also this week, Jason plans on calling a photographer about shooting delivery photos. Honestly, I wasn't thrilled about the idea at first. I was worried that it would interfere with such a private moment. But Jason told me that all of his coworkers LOVED having this particular photographer. They said she's very non- invasive and the dads loved not having to worry about snapping the right pictures. Jason said he wants to be able to focus on me 100%. I really don't think we will regret having these pictures!
How far along are you? 34 weeks 5 days
How big is baby? the size of a head of a large canteloupe... around 5 pounds I believe
Maternity clothes? yes, mostly.
Weight -Loss or Gain? I'm really not sure. I have an appointment Friday
Stretch marks? nope! I've been lucky!
Sleep? Some nights are better than others, but I'm getting by ok.
Best moment this week: The week is just beginning! But everyone around us seems to be getting excited!
Any Movement? all the time.... in my ribs!
Food Cravings? give me some steak!
Food Aversions? Not much...
Belly Button in or out? In... but getting flatter... lol
What do you miss: sleeping on my belly
What are you looking forward to: Maternity leave. Please hurry. Also, our infant care class this Wednesday, the shower Thursday, and my appointment on Friday!!!!
What was the BEST part of this week? Being done with counseling!!!!!!!!!!
What was the WORST part of this week? I pulled my butt and hip muscle :(
Exhausted and looking like a hot mess... but so in love with my little girl!
This Thursday my lovely coworkers are hosting our second baby shower and we are just thrilled to pieces about it. I've been very lucky to work in such a generous school system. Also this week, Jason plans on calling a photographer about shooting delivery photos. Honestly, I wasn't thrilled about the idea at first. I was worried that it would interfere with such a private moment. But Jason told me that all of his coworkers LOVED having this particular photographer. They said she's very non- invasive and the dads loved not having to worry about snapping the right pictures. Jason said he wants to be able to focus on me 100%. I really don't think we will regret having these pictures!
How far along are you? 34 weeks 5 days
How big is baby? the size of a head of a large canteloupe... around 5 pounds I believe
Maternity clothes? yes, mostly.
Weight -Loss or Gain? I'm really not sure. I have an appointment Friday
Stretch marks? nope! I've been lucky!
Sleep? Some nights are better than others, but I'm getting by ok.
Best moment this week: The week is just beginning! But everyone around us seems to be getting excited!
Any Movement? all the time.... in my ribs!
Food Cravings? give me some steak!
Food Aversions? Not much...
Belly Button in or out? In... but getting flatter... lol
What do you miss: sleeping on my belly
What are you looking forward to: Maternity leave. Please hurry. Also, our infant care class this Wednesday, the shower Thursday, and my appointment on Friday!!!!
What was the BEST part of this week? Being done with counseling!!!!!!!!!!
What was the WORST part of this week? I pulled my butt and hip muscle :(
Exhausted and looking like a hot mess... but so in love with my little girl!
Thursday, February 2, 2012
I had a baby shower!!!
This has definitely been one of those long awaited moments that I never actually imagined would happen. We had our first baby shower on Sunday January 29 and it was absolutely perfect. I cannot get over what an amazing job my mom, sister, and my friends did. The generosity of our friends and family was absolutely unreal. People came as far from Indiana to celebrate with us! I think between 40 and 50 people showed up to my moms.
I showed up early to help, and because of course I was super anxious and couldn't wait. My sister had hung three clotheslines up of different baby outfits and bottle brushes and all sorts of cute things. She also made us cake pops! Mom had made such an assortment of food ranging from roast beef and ham roll ups to veggies and dip, fruits, cheeses, potato soup... I mean there was everything!
It was extremely overwhelming playing the games and opening gifts in front of everyone. I was SO self- conscious and worried people were bored... It was tough making sure I spoke to everyone enough, if that makes any kind of sense. But with that kind of crowd, what's a girl to do? I just hope each of my guests knows how much it meant to us that they came to show their love for Natalie.
Below are a few pictures I took... I'm still waiting for Jason to upload the ones he captured. I can't believe we have another shower still to come... We are SO blessed!
OH! And I had my 33 week appointment today.... No weight gain from last time, but she's measuring perfectly annnddd she's head down and in position :)
Her sweet little bedroom coming together
Why yes, we did get 24 pacifiers! haha
A massive hamper of clothes, washcloths, towels, & burp cloths!
Me before!
Cake pops!
I showed up early to help, and because of course I was super anxious and couldn't wait. My sister had hung three clotheslines up of different baby outfits and bottle brushes and all sorts of cute things. She also made us cake pops! Mom had made such an assortment of food ranging from roast beef and ham roll ups to veggies and dip, fruits, cheeses, potato soup... I mean there was everything!
It was extremely overwhelming playing the games and opening gifts in front of everyone. I was SO self- conscious and worried people were bored... It was tough making sure I spoke to everyone enough, if that makes any kind of sense. But with that kind of crowd, what's a girl to do? I just hope each of my guests knows how much it meant to us that they came to show their love for Natalie.
Below are a few pictures I took... I'm still waiting for Jason to upload the ones he captured. I can't believe we have another shower still to come... We are SO blessed!
OH! And I had my 33 week appointment today.... No weight gain from last time, but she's measuring perfectly annnddd she's head down and in position :)
Her sweet little bedroom coming together
Her bathroom closet-- full of lots of goodies!
Her closet... well, half of it!
After we sorted and organized....Why yes, we did get 24 pacifiers! haha
A massive hamper of clothes, washcloths, towels, & burp cloths!
Me before!
Cake pops!
Friday, January 20, 2012
31 weeks...
Just a quick little update with some information from our 31 week appointment yesterday. Everything looked good... my BP was fine, blood sugar looked good, and I was measuring where I should. Appointments will be every 2 weeks now-- whoa!
How far along are you? 31 weeks
How big is baby? the size of a head of lettuce... more than 3 pounds now
Maternity clothes? yes, mostly. Although some shirts are plenty big
Weight -Loss or Gain? As of yesterday, I have gained a total of 13 pounds
Stretch marks? none that I didn't have before haha
Sleep? Sleep.... oh how I miss thee...
Best moment this week: A piece of her wall art came in... I was able to get the other knobs on her drawers... and I got a lovely baby gift package from my friend Alisha!
Any Movement? all the time.... Jason finally felt her move the other night!
Food Cravings? Fast food, spicy steamed shrimp, sour candies
Food Aversions? Not much...
Belly Button in or out? In... but getting flatter... lol
What do you miss: sleeping on my belly
What are you looking forward to: Maternity leave. Please hurry.
What was the BEST part of this week? Having 3 days off from work. Thank you God!
What was the WORST part of this week? Job stress. Long story. And I'm not getting into it!
How far along are you? 31 weeks
How big is baby? the size of a head of lettuce... more than 3 pounds now
Maternity clothes? yes, mostly. Although some shirts are plenty big
Weight -Loss or Gain? As of yesterday, I have gained a total of 13 pounds
Stretch marks? none that I didn't have before haha
Sleep? Sleep.... oh how I miss thee...
Best moment this week: A piece of her wall art came in... I was able to get the other knobs on her drawers... and I got a lovely baby gift package from my friend Alisha!
Any Movement? all the time.... Jason finally felt her move the other night!
Food Cravings? Fast food, spicy steamed shrimp, sour candies
Food Aversions? Not much...
Belly Button in or out? In... but getting flatter... lol
What do you miss: sleeping on my belly
What are you looking forward to: Maternity leave. Please hurry.
What was the BEST part of this week? Having 3 days off from work. Thank you God!
What was the WORST part of this week? Job stress. Long story. And I'm not getting into it!
Monday, January 16, 2012
Cause everyone likes pictures!
30 weeks and 3 days
Not so bad from the front!
Super soft pink on the walls.... all those clothes have been washed PS haha
Here's all the furniture so far... still waiting on the crib....
A little bookshelf for her books... We have also hung up curtains since I last took pictures... Still waiting on the crib and the fan to come in... and all of her wall art!
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Childbirth class
I just wanted to make a quick post about our childbirth classes that we had this weekend. I was hesitant about signing up for the class to begin with.... would the $90 really be worth it, isn't this supposed to be a natural process, would Jason be supportive and enjoy the class with me?
Wellllll, it was actually way better than I expected. The class was a two- part series... Friday night at 7-9 and Saturday from 9-2. There were 3 other couples taking the class with us, so it was nice to get to know some other couples due around the same time that we are. The instructor covered SO much information... everything from pain management to the stages of labor to relaxation to tips for dads.... breastfeeding, newborn care, preventing SIDS, a tour around the maternity ward.... I mean, I'm missing so much right now because there was just SO much that we learned!
The best part was that it was a great chance for Jason and I to bond over this life- changing experience that we are about to go through together. We got to ask each other questions, laugh, giggle, and share our concerns. I could not ask for a better birth partner, husband, or best friend.
Next on our list (besides my appointment THIS WEEK!!!!) is our breastfeeding class February 1 and our infant care class February 15. Before our classes-- my baby shower! AH!!!!!!
We are getting ready, baby Natalie!!!!!!!
Wellllll, it was actually way better than I expected. The class was a two- part series... Friday night at 7-9 and Saturday from 9-2. There were 3 other couples taking the class with us, so it was nice to get to know some other couples due around the same time that we are. The instructor covered SO much information... everything from pain management to the stages of labor to relaxation to tips for dads.... breastfeeding, newborn care, preventing SIDS, a tour around the maternity ward.... I mean, I'm missing so much right now because there was just SO much that we learned!
The best part was that it was a great chance for Jason and I to bond over this life- changing experience that we are about to go through together. We got to ask each other questions, laugh, giggle, and share our concerns. I could not ask for a better birth partner, husband, or best friend.
Next on our list (besides my appointment THIS WEEK!!!!) is our breastfeeding class February 1 and our infant care class February 15. Before our classes-- my baby shower! AH!!!!!!
We are getting ready, baby Natalie!!!!!!!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Dear Natalie,
I work with a lot of children throughout the week. Recently, because I have been working with the school counselor to finish my degree, I have seen a lot of sad cases where DSS and CPS has to be notified because parents do not treat their children with all the love they deserve. It breaks my heart.
Natalie, even though you aren't here, you need to know that you are SO loved. You are the biggest blessing to your Daddy and me. We cannot wait to give you the best that life has to offer. I have cherished every tiny kick and movement... every time we have been able to hear your heartbeat or see you on the big screen. You are the greatest accomplishment of my life.
Daddy and I love you so much, sweet girl. We cannot wait until you're in our arms!
No one else will ever know,
the strength of my LOVE
FOR YOU. After all you're
the only one who knows what
my HEART sounds like from the inside.
Natalie, even though you aren't here, you need to know that you are SO loved. You are the biggest blessing to your Daddy and me. We cannot wait to give you the best that life has to offer. I have cherished every tiny kick and movement... every time we have been able to hear your heartbeat or see you on the big screen. You are the greatest accomplishment of my life.
Daddy and I love you so much, sweet girl. We cannot wait until you're in our arms!
No one else will ever know,
the strength of my LOVE
FOR YOU. After all you're
the only one who knows what
my HEART sounds like from the inside.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
29 weeks 2 days
How far along are you? 29 weeks & 2 days
How big is baby? the size of a butternut squash... somewhere around 2 and a half or 3 pounds I believe
Maternity clothes? yes, but not exclusively
Weight -Loss or Gain? I'm assuming around 10 pounds
Stretch marks? one super tiny little guy around my belly button piercing. Sad story. lol
Sleep? What's that? Sleep has been hard to come by lately. If I'm not waking up from tossing and turning, then I'm waking up from excruciating charley horses. They are the worst.
Best moment this week: baby- wise... just watching my belly grow and knowing my daughter is getting bigger. I love getting stuff done with her room too
Any Movement? all the time.... it's such a gift!
Food Cravings? I do love a McDonald's double cheeseburger... and steamed shrimp with Old Bay!
Food Aversions? Not much...
Belly Button in or out? In... but getting flatter... lol
What do you miss: the evening glass of wine... and sleeping on my belly
What are you looking forward to: More frequent appointments... and the countdown is ON until maternity leave... OH! And we have birthing class this week. That might horrify me. lol
What was the BEST part of this week? all of my coworkers seem to be getting really excited for us.
What was the WORST part of this week? Working two jobs while pregnant. Only a month left of counseling, but it's rough for sure.
How big is baby? the size of a butternut squash... somewhere around 2 and a half or 3 pounds I believe
Maternity clothes? yes, but not exclusively
Weight -Loss or Gain? I'm assuming around 10 pounds
Stretch marks? one super tiny little guy around my belly button piercing. Sad story. lol
Sleep? What's that? Sleep has been hard to come by lately. If I'm not waking up from tossing and turning, then I'm waking up from excruciating charley horses. They are the worst.
Best moment this week: baby- wise... just watching my belly grow and knowing my daughter is getting bigger. I love getting stuff done with her room too
Any Movement? all the time.... it's such a gift!
Food Cravings? I do love a McDonald's double cheeseburger... and steamed shrimp with Old Bay!
Food Aversions? Not much...
Belly Button in or out? In... but getting flatter... lol
What do you miss: the evening glass of wine... and sleeping on my belly
What are you looking forward to: More frequent appointments... and the countdown is ON until maternity leave... OH! And we have birthing class this week. That might horrify me. lol
What was the BEST part of this week? all of my coworkers seem to be getting really excited for us.
What was the WORST part of this week? Working two jobs while pregnant. Only a month left of counseling, but it's rough for sure.
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