Tuesday, February 21, 2012

We're almost ready....

To Do:
Install fan
Install car seat
Go into labor!!!!!!!!!!!

We can't wait to meet you baby girl!!!!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Great appointment!

Just a quick check in... I had my 35 week check up today. I've still only gained 13.5 pounds, which they're not concerned with at all. My blood pressure is great also. The doctor did my GBS (group B Strep Test).... also, not a big deal at all. He asked if I wanted to do a cervical check and I said sureeee. He said her head has dropped and I'm about a centimeter dilated.

It's almost time :)

OH! And I had my work shower yesterday which was amazing! I can't believe how much time and effort some of these people put into making a day so special for me. We got some great stuff like our tub, gift cards, clothes, and a TON of books!!!!!

5 weeks to go!

Monday, February 13, 2012

34 weeks 5 days

I can't believe the end is drawing near. Ok, my body definitely can feel that the time is getting closer. I'm sore all the time, tired a lot, have feet in my ribs, have a ravenous appetite.... all in all, I really don't feel like I can complain. I feel like I've been able to give Natalie a good home to grow in... but we can't wait till she's here to cuddle with!

This Thursday my lovely coworkers are hosting our second baby shower and we are just thrilled to pieces about it. I've been very lucky to work in such a generous school system. Also this week, Jason plans on calling a photographer about shooting delivery photos. Honestly, I wasn't thrilled about the idea at first. I was worried that it would interfere with such a private moment. But Jason told me that all of his coworkers LOVED having this particular photographer. They said she's very non- invasive and the dads loved not having to worry about snapping the right pictures. Jason said he wants to be able to focus on me 100%. I really don't think we will regret having these pictures!

How far along are you?  34 weeks 5 days
How big is baby?  the size of a head of a large canteloupe... around 5 pounds I believe
Maternity clothes?  yes, mostly.
Weight -Loss or Gain?  I'm really not sure. I have an appointment Friday
Stretch marks?  nope! I've been lucky!
Sleep?  Some nights are better than others, but I'm getting by ok.
Best moment this week:  The week is just beginning! But everyone around us seems to be getting excited!
Any Movement?  all the time.... in my ribs!
Food Cravings?  give me some steak!
Food Aversions?  Not much...
Belly Button in or out?  In... but getting flatter... lol
What do you miss:  sleeping on my belly
What are you looking forward to:  Maternity leave. Please hurry. Also, our infant care class this Wednesday, the shower Thursday, and my appointment on Friday!!!!
What was the BEST part of this week?  Being done with counseling!!!!!!!!!!
What was the WORST part of this week? I pulled my butt and hip muscle :(

Exhausted and looking like a hot mess... but so in love with my little girl!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

I had a baby shower!!!

This has definitely been one of those long awaited moments that I never actually imagined would happen. We had our first baby shower on Sunday January 29 and it was absolutely perfect. I cannot get over what an amazing job my mom, sister, and my friends did. The generosity of our friends and family was absolutely unreal. People came as far from Indiana to celebrate with us! I think between 40 and 50 people showed up to my moms.

I showed up early to help, and because of course I was super anxious and couldn't wait. My sister had hung three clotheslines up of different baby outfits and bottle brushes and all sorts of cute things. She also made us cake pops! Mom had made such an assortment of food ranging from roast beef and ham roll ups to veggies and dip, fruits, cheeses, potato soup... I mean there was everything!

It was extremely overwhelming playing the games and opening gifts in front of everyone. I was SO self- conscious and worried people were bored... It was tough making sure I spoke to everyone enough, if that makes any kind of sense. But with that kind of crowd, what's a girl to do? I just hope each of my guests knows how much it meant to us that they came to show their love for Natalie.

Below are a few pictures I took... I'm still waiting for Jason to upload the ones he captured. I can't believe we have another shower still to come... We are SO blessed!

OH! And I had my 33 week appointment today.... No weight gain from last time, but she's measuring perfectly annnddd she's head down and in position :)

                                                     Her sweet little bedroom coming together
                                                 Her bathroom closet-- full of lots of goodies!
                                                          Her closet... well, half of it!
                                                     After we sorted and organized....
                                                       Why yes, we did get 24 pacifiers! haha
                                       A massive hamper of clothes, washcloths, towels, & burp cloths!
                                                                    Me before!
                                                                Cake pops!