Saturday, July 2, 2011

These are a few of my favorite things

One of the things I do during my lovely two week wait is to complete submerge myself in things that I love. The busier I stay, the less likely I am to waste a million pregnancy tests! I have a bad tendency of saying EVERYTHING is my favorite thing.... every song, every movie, every project... all my faves. But really, they are.

There is no place I would rather be than the Outer Banks in North Carolina. I would love to retire here one day. I've been going every summer for over a decade now. It is my personal paradise. And where my husband asked me to be his wife!

Redskins football. Seriously, I'm useless once training camp begins until the superbowl. I told my husband within the first week of us knowing each other that I could never be with him if he isn't a Redskins fan. Lucky him, he is.... just maybe not as diehard as I am ;-)

Crafting. I love homemade projects. I'm totally cheap. What's better than saving a few bucks? My stepdad and I crafted this mirror together. It's a knockoff of the Eagen Pottery Barn mirror. Their price: $700. How much did I pay: $70. BOOM.

My house! Seriously, it took us forever to buy a house and I couldn't be more proud. We love, love LOVE our home. ((and are ready to design a nursery and have little feet scampering around))

Yes, I'm a geek. And I love school. Getting my master's was one of the best decisions I've made. I thoroughly enjoy the program that I'm in and I'm eagerly investigating a doctorate.

If you don't recognize this band, we can't be friends. Kidding. Kind of. Incubus! I love all music, and that was the point of this next picture, but this is who I'm stuck on right now with their new album dropping soon.

The HBO Original Series: True Blood. My lovely husband actually got me into this show and it has become a Sunday night obsession. Note to self: stop being so freaking lazy give the books a shot!

And of course, my darling husband. Like this really needs an explanation! He's the one person who keeps my feet grounded and my head in the clouds. I couldn't make a family with anyone else.

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