Sunday, March 4, 2012

37 Week Check Up Last Week

On Friday I had my 37 week check up! We are going every week now, which is so surreal. It feels like just the other day I was still at 5 week appointments.

Blood pressure was fine again... I've gained a total of 16-17 pounds, which is kind of amazing for me. I haven't exactly been saying no to food haha And I feel like I have completely ballooned out!

The appointment was very quick... Dr. Beier listened to the heartbeat, measured my uterus, and estimated that she will weigh about 6 pounds at birth. I think that's just a perfect size :-) I'm also negative for strep B, so no antibiotics at the hospital!

We had a baby wearing class yesterday thanks to a friend of ours... she came over and showed us all different kinds of carriers, which we really enjoyed! I'm actually ordering a moby wrap right now. Jason is so excited for this!  (not sarcasm at all!). I was surprised how comfortable and convenient the carriers were... even with bigger babies. I mean, I was totally comfortable with my big basketball belly while wearing a 6 month old!

That's about it.... still waiting for the ceiling fan to be installed... and I'm really hoping the doctor checks me next week. I'm very very ready to be in labor!

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